2019年 3月5日(火)日本IR協会主催の「第2回IR勉強会」を開催しました。当日は国会議員の先生方及び自治体関係者に向けて「日本であるべきMICEの姿とは?~世界の最先端事例〜」と題し、 日本版IRにおけるMICEのあるべき姿について海外からMICE専門家を招き、議論しました。

第一部では、内閣官房 特定複合観光施設区域整備推進本部事務局 局長 森重俊也氏による、「IR整備法施行令案における中核施設の考え方について」のご説明を頂きました。第二部では、数多くのIR開発経験のある戦略事業コンサルティング会社、マレー・インターナショナル 代表 ネイル・マレー氏による「世界のMICE産業の潮流と最先端事例」の紹介、次にIRオペレーターのシーザーズ・エンターテインメントから、MICE部門統括 最高営業責任者 マイク・マッサーリ氏を始めとする4名のMICE専門家より「MICEのグローバルトレンドと米国最新事例」について、同社がラスベガスで開発中の最新MICE施設や、地方の事例としてアトランティックシティのMICE施設の紹介がありました。第三部では、当協会代表がモデレーターを務め、マレー氏とシーザーズ・エンターテインメントの4名のMICE専門家による対談を行いました。



On March 5, 2019, the 2nd IR Seminar was organized by the Japan IR Association. The seminar was entitled “How Should MICE Be in Japan? – Seen from the World’s Latest Case Studies.” Several MICE experts were invited from the world to introduce their experience and expertise in MICE, and then discuss the ideal form of Japanese MICE in IR. The participants consisted of Diet members, local governments and some of the IR-related companies / organizations.

The first lecture was given by Toshiya Morishige, the secretary-general of the Office of Integrated Resort Regime Promotion. He demonstrated the details of the Development and Promotion Ordinance for Integrated Resorts, recently approved by the Japanese government. He especially focused on IR legal requirements related to the size of MICE facilities for Conference and Exhibition.

This was followed by the second lecture given by Niall Murray, Chairman of Murray International, a strategic business consulting firm with an abundance of IR development experiences. He introduced a global perspective of MICE industry. According to Mr. Murray, while the global MICE industry is gaining popularity worldwide and continuing to grow, Japan is yet left behind in the growth of MICE business, especially its venue space. The Japan’s existing largest exhibition venue, Tokyo Big Sight, has a floor space of 95,000 square meters, yet there are 62 venues in the world with minimum 100,000 square meters. He also stated a flexible approach to legal frameworks would be ideal to deal with various situations.

For the third lecture, Michael Massari, Chief Sales Officer of Caesars Entertainment, and three other Caesars’s Vice Presidents overseeing MICE operations presented global MICE trends and views on Japan’s opportunity. Mr. Massari noted that Japan’s current major MICE facilities have yet to reach the world standard not only in size, but in adjacent hotels and accessibility. Ms. Messina mentioned Japan’s potential and appeal to the MICE market in terms of culture, safety in infrastructure and nature. Mr. Ross introduced the latest MICE facility under development in Las Vegas while Mr. Van Der Molen explained that in operation in Atlantic City as a successful local case.

In the last session of the seminar, Mr. Murray and four MICE experts from Caesars Entertainment had a panel discussion, moderated by a representative of Japan IR association. The topics were as follows: “What should Japanese government do to maximize the economic impact brought by MICE?” “What is necessary to make IR/MICE successful?” “What should Japanese local governments do to expand the social and economic values produced by MICE industry?”