
代表 中⼭ 彩⼦
Japan IR Association
Representative Director
Ayako Nakayama
当協会では、IRが潜在的に有する経済発展、地域発展の機会を捉え、また最⼤限に活かしていく、「IR施設と業界の持続可能な発展」を 可能にしていく仕組みの重要性を早くから認識し、諸外国のゲーミング/IR産業と連携をしながら、⽇本のIRの認知促進、また国際競争⼒のある持続可能な産業形成を⽬的とした活動に注⼒しています。
新しい地域の持続可能な経済活性化のモデルとしてのIRをより多くの市⺠の皆さま、企業さま、関連団体さまに理解をしていただき、また 活動のご賛同、ご⽀援を賜りたく、ここにお願い申し上げます。
IR (integrated resorts including casinos) is an international resort destination that is realized in the context of Japan’s inbound tourism policy. The realization of multi-faceted resort facilities (gaming) and other hotels, MICE, entertainment, restaurants, shopping, and other non-gaming facilities is expected not only to further support inbound consumption, but also to have significant economic benefits for local communities.
Japan IR Association recognizes from an early stage the importance of a mechanism that enables “sustainable development of IR facilities and industries” that captures and maximizes the
potential economic and regional development opportunities of the IR. In cooperation with the gaming and IR industries of International stake-holders, Japan IR Association will continue to lead
such activities as facilitating to communicate the industryʼs value in Japan and creating a sustainable industry with international market competitiveness.
I would like to ask for the understanding of as many citizens, companies, and related organizations as possible of IR as a model for the sustainable economic revitalization of a new region, and for the support and support of our activities.
Japan IR Associationの理念Japan IR Association’s philosophy

Contribute to the development of the Integrated Resort Industry in Japan
JIRA aspires to be with the inde-pendent member of a tripartite industry framework in moderating between the private sector compa-nies and the goverment.
JIRA’s vision includes
・International standardizations of Japan IR Industry
・Maximaization of Japan IR’s Economy
・Sustainable Growth and Development of Japan IR Industry

協会概要Outline of the Association
名称Organization Name | 一般社団法人 日本IR協会Japan IR Association (General Incorporated Association) |
設立Established | 2014年10月October 2014 |
代表CEO | 中山 彩子Ayako Nakayama |
所在地Organiation Location | 〒104-0044 東京都中央区明石町6-4-1608#1608 6-4 Akashi-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0044 Japan |
WEBサイトWebsite | japan-ir.or.jphttp://japan-ir.jp |
活動内容Activities | ・国内外における我が国のIRに関する啓蒙活動ー各種勉強会、セミナー等の実施 Japan’s IR educational activities in Japan and overseas-Various study sessions, seminars, etc. ・国内外における我が国のIRに関連する団体、組織との連携およびパートナーシップ関係の構築及び推進活動 Activities to establish and promote partnerships with organizations and Associations related to IR in Japan and overseas ・IR事業者など民間企業等民間企業との業界支援における活動連携 Coordinating activities in industry support with private companies such as IR companies ・自治体への情報提供及びIR誘致活動支援 Providing information to local governments and supporting IR promoting activities ・我が国のIR業界における産学連携の実現と促進活動 Realization and promotion of industry-academia collaboration in Japan’s IR industry in Japan and overseas ・メンバーシップの提供及び運営 Offer and operation of membership |
会員種別のうち「企業会員」は⽇本におけるIRの実現において事業への参画を希望する企業が主になります。「アドバイザリーメンバー」、 「アフィリエイトメンバー」は⽇本のIR実現に携わる専⾨家を始めとする諸外国のIR/ゲーミング各分野のプロフェッショナルで構成されており、豊富な知識、経験、業績は当会の優れた活動資源となっています。
Japan IR Association, with the knowledge and cooperation of external advisories,operates various activities and the “Members” and “Activity Partner System” of the Association.
The majority of members are corporate members who wish to participate in business in realizing IR in Japan. The Advisory Members and Affiliate Members are comprised of professionals in the field of IR and gaming from all over the world, including those who are involved in the realization of IR in Japan. Their abundant knowledge, experience, and performance are excellent resources for the association’s activities.
The “Activity Partner Program” consists of companies with a sense of responsibility and ethical stance to participate in socially meaningful activities that communicate the true value of IR in Japan as a leader in the Japanese IR industry. Since the Association is established and operated for non-profit purposes, most of the funds for its activities are supported by “activity partner fees” from companies participating in the activity partners system. This system is also a framework that enables members or non-members of the Japan IR Association to participate in a variety of activities free of charge or at reasonable cost.