Activity Partner

JIRAアクティビティパートナーとはAbout Activity Partner


Japan IR Association is a non-profit organization which provides opportunities fairly, and neutrally through participation in the association through its membership and activity partnerships. Most activity funds are supported by activity partner fees from companies participating in Activity Partners System.
Activity Partner System is established based on the situation where further expansion and development of the role of association activities is required to increase the value of the industry and to approach challenging aspect of Japan IR. Our annual activity partners will participate in socially meaningful initiatives by providing a means for companies to become leaders in the Japanese IR industry, new industry leaders in the near future,participating in discussions on industry issues and global trends, and actively providing opportunities to engage in the process of properly introducing new knowledge to our country through IR development opportunity. With your generous support, Japan IR Association will continue to play an important role in providing opportunities for addressing issues affecting the realization of Japan’s IR industry.


年間アクティビティパートナーになるBecome Activity Partner



年間アクティビティパートナーや当会活動の⽀援については⽇本IR協会事務局 までご連絡ください。

The Annual Activity Partner Program is a responsible and ethical position to participate in socially meaningful activities that communicate the true value of IR in Japan as a leader in the Japanese IR industry. In addition,the Annual Activity Partner Program is a framework that allows members and non-members of the IR Association of Japan to participate in a variety of activities free of charge or at a reasonable cost.
Contact the JIRA Admin Office for assistance with Annual Activity Partners and the activities of this Association.