JAPAN IR FORUM ONLINEは沢山の方々にご参加を頂まして、開催をいたしました。当日後参加された方からは、「非常に有意義な情報にアクセス出来てとても満足しています」、「エクセレントなセミナーでした」「アーカイブも視聴出来るのはセミナーとしての費用対効果も高い」、「また次回も参加したい」というお声を頂いております。


アーカイブ視聴が4/24から、フォーラムプラットフォーム上にて配信されました。フォーラムへご参加頂きました皆さまは、フォーラム参加時にご使用頂ましたID /PASSを使用してアクセス頂けます。ぜひ見逃したセッションやもう一度見たいセッションへアクセスしてください。




JAPAN IR FORUM ONLINE was successfully organized with many participants.We received comments such as “I learned a lot” and “there were many meaningful sessions with lots of information” , “It was a a excellent forum with quality information”,”archive viewing which is included in the forum pass is a very good deal!”, and ” I will look forward for the next forum”.

We also received comments from who purchased “Communication Pass” which also included communication function as well as forum viewing function such as ” I re-connected with those people with no recent contact again at the forum” and ” I could communicate with other participants”.

Archive viewing is available from April 24 on the same platform where JAPAN IR FORUM ONLINE was organized.
For those who participated in the forum, the same ID/PASS is available to access the archive.
Please watch it if you missed a session or want to see it again.  

For Archive viewing, please click here

For those who did not participate in the forum but would like to view the archive, “Archive Viewing Pass” is available.
Please contact to Admin Office.