Korea Gaming Congress (2019/7/18)


Korea Gaming Congress (Jul.18, 2019)

Representative Director of the Association participated in a panel discussion to discuss future IR and its impact in Asia. She discussed objectives of Japan IR, international competition and geographical impact on the surrounding regions after Japan IR is materialized.



九州IRシンポジウム (2019/9/30)

一般社団法人福岡青年会議所主催の九州、福岡におけるIRの可能性について議論するシンポジウムが開催され、当協会代表がパネルディスカッションに参加しました。 IRが九州に出来る場合どのような経済効果、社会効果が生まれるのか、等包括的に議論されました。

Kyushu IR Symposium (Sep.30, 2019)

A symposium was held in Fukuoka hosted by the Fukuoka Youth Chamber of Commerce to discuss the possibility of IR in Kyushu. Representative Director of the Association participated in a panel discussion. Comprehensive discussions were held on economic effects and social effects which would be generated from IR in materialized in Kyushu.



Ampersand at G2E (2019/10/14)


Ampersand at G2E (Oct.14, 2019)

At this International Conference held by Clarion, international event organizer based in UK extensive discussions were held with the aim of increasing the dimensionality of the gaming industry as a hospitality industry, Representative Director of the Association discussed the positioning and goals of non-gaming in Japan’s IR in the topic of the future of the hospitality industry in the casino/gaming industry.



UNLV Law School (2019/10/15)

当協会代表がUNLV法律大学院のリゾートゲーミング法のクラスにて日本のIRの法制度の概要について講義を行いました。 学生からは熱心に多くの質問が上がり、日本のIRが目指すところや、日本の既存のギャンブル産業との位置づけなどについても触れ、学生の高い関心が伺えました。

UNLV Law School (Oct.15, 2019)

Representative Director of the Association gave a lecture on the outline of Japan’s IR legal system at the Resort Gaming Law Class of the UNLV Law Graduate School. Students enthusiastically asked many questions, touching on what Japan’s IR is aiming for and the positioning of Japan’s existing gambling industry.



QWSアカデミア[早稲田大学] (2019/11/26)


QWS Academia (Waseda University) (Nov.26, 2019)

Representative Director of the Association discussed extensively about IR and SDGs bringing international are studies, such as how casino tax revenues contributed to the local economies of other countries, the positioning of casinos (gaming industry) in the U.S. and their relevance to the social class. Discussion also touched the potential impacts of IR x SDGs in Japan, such as the realization of IR and internationalization in Japan’s cities, the development of education directly linked to industries such as the English language etc.



東京都設備設計事務所協会 2019年度新技術セミナー (2019/12/3)


Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Equipment Design New Technology Seminar 2019 (Dec.3, 2019)

Representative Director of the Association gave a lecture on Japan’s IR and the Future at a seminar for members of equipment-related industry Association. In the lecture, she comprehensively explained the goal of Japan IR, the system of the regulatory framework, and the future flow, using case studies from other countries such as US and Singapore.



Goldman Sachs Investor Relations Seminar (2019/12/6)


Goldman Sachs Investor Relations Seminar (Dec.6, 2019)

Representative Director of the Association served as the moderator at a closed seminar talk session hosted by Institutional investor. Mr. Mihara, Professor of Toyo University Graduate School of University, spoke about the progress of IR in 2019, its evaluation, and the flow of the legal system in the future. He also touched on the issues such as regional agreement on IR, dynamics of multiple regulatory bodies in the Japan IR legislative framework.