◆ ICE London Totally Gaming (2019/2/4)
当協会の代表が、ロンドンExcel Centerで行われた世界最大規模のゲーミング展示会、ICE London Totally Gaming でのパネルディスカッションにて、日本型IRノンゲーミング分野の方向性と可能性についてスピーチしました。各国の業界関係者からの日本への関心は高く、日本が目指すIRの理解を深めてもらう機会となりました。
◆ ICE London Totally Gaming (Feb.4, 2019)
On February 4-6, 2019, one of the world’s largest gaming exhibitions, ICE London Totally Gaming, was held in London Excel Center. Japan IR Association participated in a panel discussion and presented the possibilities of Japanese IR non-gaming field. Worldwide IR industry stakeholders showed a high interest in the Japan’s IR status. That overall was an opportunity to inform and share with the world about the direction of IR policies envisioned by the Japanese government.
◆ iGaming Asia (2019/3/14)
◆ iGaming Asia (Mar.14, 2019)
Representative Director of the Association gave a lecture on IR in Japan and existing gaming industries in Japan. She gave a lecture on the overall market size of the gaming market in Japan, the impact of IR on the overall market, and the future direction of the market.
◆ Japan Gaming Congress (2019/5/16)
◆Japan Gaming Congress (May.16, 2019)
At a panel discussion where Representative Director of the Association discussed IR and PR in Japan, she discussed the importance of IR’s PR strategy from a women’s perspective. She particularly discussed the psychology of women opposed to IR comprehensively, including the social impact of the local community, the necessity of measures for security and safety, as well as the ideal non-gaming field for coexistence with the local community.
◆ Annual Review of Macau Gaming Law (2019/5/20)
◆Annual Review of Macau Gaming Law (May.20, 2019)
Representative Director of the Association gave a lecture on Japan’s IR regulatory framework. After the session, many questions from local students and other participants were raised, including restrictions on admissions for overseas visitors in Japan IR, indicating a high level of interest in Japan’s IR regulatory framework.
◆ G2E Asia (2019/5/21)
◆G2E Asia (May.21, 2019)
Representative Director of the Association participated in a panel discussion to discuss Japan’s IR, which discussed to hold the key to Asia’s growth. She particularly discussed how Japan IR can create a competitive advantage and the elements of IR which will be required to maintain the competitivenes in the Asian market in the future.